Kosovo Strategy for Disaster Reduction

The Kosovo Government (through UNDP) made an official request to PLANAT (www.planat.ch) for supporting the development of a strategy for disaster risk reduction. Following two exchange visits in February and April 2014 a first stocktaking workshop took place in early September 2014. During the three days’ workshop more than 30 representatives from various government agencies, UN agencies and NGOs discussed the prevailing risks in the country, available capacities to cope with these risks and subsequent disasters and identified gaps in today’s DRR system. Andreas Goetz (president of PLANAT), Christoph Werner and Markus Zimmermann (both members of PLANAT) participated from the Swiss side. PLANAT reconfirmed its commitment to support this process till a final draft of this strategy is reached and the process to build a Kosovo Platform for Disaster Reduction is initiated. Two messages by EMA (Emergency Management Agency) about the exchange visit and the workshop can be found on:


