Disaster Risk Management in the Southern Mountain Area in Jiangxi – China

Client: HJI Group, China and USA

Funding Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Location: Gannan Mountains (Ganzhou City), Jiangxi Province, People’s Republic of China

Duration: August 2014 – March 2016


Assignment: Team leader and Disaster Risk Management specialist

Duties and tasks
Services provided by NDR Consulting GmbH:

– Natural disaster risk assessment for the Gannan Mountains
– Training and capacity development for town officials
– Development of a DRM policy, and DRM guidance for the Ganzhou City Government
– Assessment of disaster risks in Gubei Town and development of a hazard map


Project description

Recent disasters in the Gannan Mountain area of Jiangxi Province have had enormous impacts on the local economy, infrastructure, environmental quality, and people’s well-being.

The technical assistance (TA) aimed to undertake a disaster risk assessment in the Gannan Mountain area; increase awareness and build capacity of local government and community stakeholders; develop a community-based integrated disaster risk management (IDRM) plan; and address gaps in the regulatory and policy framework for disaster prevention and reduction for the Gannan Mountain area.


  • Policy Brief: Integrated Disaster Risk Management for Gannan Mountains forthe local level; for the Ganzhou city government
  • Methodology to develop Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Plans for the local level in Gannan Mountains; for the Ganzhou city government
  • Integrated Disaster Risk Management Plan for Gubei Town


Basic flood risk map: The elements at risk are overlaid on the flood hazard map (with the three hazard zones: red, orange, yellow)