DRR Effectiveness Assessment

Client: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Office for Foreign Affairs

Location: Global

Duration: October 2009 – January 2011

Assignment: project coordinator, DRR expert

Duties and tasks:

NDR Consulting GmbH has been tasked to develop the overall framework for the country assessments, the compilation of the results and the development of two reports: comprehensive technical report (internal), and report for a wider public.

In English: www.deza.admin.ch/ressources/resource_en_198429.pdf or www.preventionweb.net/english/professional/publications/v.php?id=17901

Also available in German and French: http://www.sdc.admin.ch/en/Home/Documentation/Publications

The report has been launched during the UN General Assembly Special Session on DRR (9 February 2011).

Project Description:

SDC is implementing a number of DRR programmes in several regions of the world. The 2007 SDC Guidelines on DRR (www) requested an assessment of the effectiveness of these programmes and as well as an assessment of the mainstreaming efforts in different pilot countries. The analysis comprised 5 programmes (Bolivia/Peru, Nicaragua, Tajikistan, Georgia/Armenia, and Bangladesh) and two countries without explicit DRR programmes but where DRR is mainstreamed (Mongolia, Mali). The country assessments were conducted by 7 individual consultants (contracted by SDC), based on the given framework.