Client: ACTED Tajikistan / Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Location: Tajikistan: Selected villages in 4 districts (Hamadoni, Farkhor, Panj and Shurobod) in Southern Khatlon
Duration: June – October 2010
Assignment: climate risk resilience survey
Duties and tasks
- Quantitative survey (structured interviews) with (1) local government officials (jamoat, CoES, Health Center) and (2) students (grade 6 to 11): Interviews were intended to last approximately 30 to 40 minutes.
- Semi-structured interviews with (3) religious leaders; (4) respected villagers and (5) villagers: Specific questions and answers (yes or no, figure, single statement) were supplemented with open-ended/ story-telling answers. Therefore, interviews were structured but some questions were open ended. Interviews were intended to last between 30 minutes and one hour.
- Focus group discussions with men and women in the age groups 40-60 years and above 60 years where specific questions concerning CC, adaptation measures, indigenous knowledge, and gender issues are discussed.
- Analysis of the results of the interviews and focus group discussions.
- Final report.
Project Description
The study addressed the climate resilience of communities in the target villages of the ADB flood risk reduction project in Southern Khatlon. The immediate objective was an increased understanding of people’s present level of climate resilience. The results will serve as basis for better integrating climate risk reduction measures in communities’ development.
The following aspects have been assessed and investigated:
Facts (risks, changes, disasters):
- Prevailing risks in the area (primarily weather and climate-induced)
- Changes of climate parameters over the past decades (rainfall pattern, droughts, temperature, seasonal trends etc.)
Evaluation (perception and interpretation):
- People’s knowledge and perception of: prevailing risks, climate fluctuations and trends as well as environmental issues
- People’s interpretation, evaluation and weighting of:
main risks, past events, climate change, environmental degradation
Community’s coping strategies:
- traditional management: knowledge to address and mitigate risks
- capacity to adapt to changing risk factors
- capacity to respond to and recover from stresses exerted to their village
Partners: ACTED Tajikistan (main implementer)