Community Based Flood Management Project in Southern Tajikistan

Client: ACTED Tajikistan / Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Location: 130 flood-prone villages in Farkhor, Hamadoni, Pyandzh, and Shurobod districts of Khatlon province in southern Tajikistan.

Duration: From May 2009 till August 2012; regular visits and intermediate remote support

Assignment: risk modelling specialist / DRR advisor

Duties and tasks:

  • Development of an overall risk model for the project (based on risk management cycle)
  • Development of risk mapping procedures (community approach, specialists’ approach) for simplified risk maps of villages
  • Assistance for establishing the VDPCs (village disaster preparedness committees), for the development of VDPP (village disaster preparedness plans) and for preparation of simulation exercises
  • Conceptual assistance for component B (silviculture)
  • Contribution to mid term review (2011), in particular review of mapping component
  • Implementation of a climate resilience survey

Project Description:

In the years since Tajikistan’s independence, the fertile flood plains adjacent to the Pyanj, Kizilsu, and Yakhsu rivers in Khatlon Province have become increasingly vulnerable to floods. Lives and livelihoods have been lost and flood embankments, houses, canals, land, roads, and bridges have been destroyed. Severe floods occurred in Vose and Farkhor districts in 1998 and 1999. The 2005 flood in Hamadoni destroyed assets with an estimated value of over $18 million. In addition, smaller floods and mudflows, causing damage and destruction, occur frequently.

The project has two main components:

  • Component A: Disaster-focused community mobilization in 130 villages of the four districts. Capacity development of village disaster preparedness committees; risk assessments, risk reduction plans; community trainings; early warning systems; save havens; household preparedness.
  • Component B: Silvicultural intervention: reforestation of tugai forest in an area of about 44 km2; alternative income generation.


ACTED (main implementer), Ghamkhori (local NGO in Khatlon oblast), CAMP Kuhiston (local NGO), CAREC (Central Asia Regional Environmental Centre) and RCST (Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan)