Feasibility study and business plan for a Centre of Excellence for Earthquake Risk Management (Istanbul, Turkey)

Client: World Bank

Location: Istanbul, Turkey.

Duration: June to December 2012

Assignment: DRR expert

Duties and tasks:

  • Development of a feasibility study with:
    – Fundamentals for a Centre of Excellence (main functions)
    – Stakeholder mapping
    – Activity development
  • Development of Business plan
    – Existing Centres of Excellence in the field of DRR and ERM
    – Action plans
    – Financial considerations
    – Legal issues

Project Description:

During the 2009 International Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation in Istanbul the Turkish Government expressed its commitment to share the knowledge gained from years of its efforts to improve seismic resilience of societies and communities. The prime source of knowledge is the Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness (ISMEP) project (http://www.ipkb.gov.tr/icerik/sayfa.aspx); in addition, other initiatives merit to be shared with national, regional and international audiences through the creation of a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Seismic Risk Management in Istanbul.

A feasibility study on the creation of a Centre of Excellence for Seismic Risk Management was financed by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) as a follow-up to the 2009 International Conference on Seismic Risk Mitigation in Istanbul. The study comprised of an in-depth analysis of existing centres in the field of DRR and seismic risk reduction and interviews with approx. 20 local, national and international stakeholders from government, private sector, academia and non-governmental organisations to clarify the demand for technical support in the field of seismic risk management, to grasp the sense for potential support for such centre and to define its possible outline.

The Business Plan further details the Feasibility Study and provides concrete elements for the creation and operation of the centre. It covers a stakeholder analysis, provides thematic, institutional and financial considerations and lays out action plans.

Partners: Istanbul Project Coordination Unit (IPCU; governorate of Istanbul) for the Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness (ISMEP) Project


School retrofitting (Istanbul, Sep 2011)